"for love to come to you, it must come through you..."

Monday, February 18, 2013


Have you ever been in a position where you felt you had an edge?  Maybe you have applied for a new job where the boss was your Father’s best friend or played on a sports team that your Uncle Bud coached.   Gone to school where your Mother was a teacher or been in a courtroom where your neighbor was the judge.  Maybe you have been pulled over for speeding only to look into the officer’s eyes and realized it was your Aunt Betty.  Having an edge in any situation may not make favorable results a given, but it certainly removes the helplessness we might otherwise feel. 
The same is true in our relationship with God if we are a follower of Christ.  When we put on Christ through baptism (Rom. 6:3), not only does His cleansing blood wash away our sins, but He becomes our mediator to the Father (1 Tim. 2:5).  How powerful is that!  The very Son of God is our escort to the throne of His Father, pleading our case and making up for our shortcomings.  We are no longer an outsider, but a joint heir to the Kingdom (Rom 8:17). 
We alone will never be good enough, strong enough, or smart enough; but with Christ as our “edge” we will be completed by His grace, His blood, and His love.  As someone totally destructible, we become indestructible when we team up with Christ (1 Cor. 15:54).  There are no words worthy of the description of how we will feel when we look into the eyes of our eternal Judge and see the eyes of our Best Friend and Savior...the ultimate edge for this life and beyond!
Roberta Pledge