"for love to come to you, it must come through you..."

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Peace...It IS Perfect!

      Trying to get through a day without peace is a little like trying to eat a piece of pie without the sugar …you can definitely tell something has been left out!  The pie is bitter, rather than the sweet you were expecting, and you immediately know an important step was overlooked.  Most often, when a day is lacking peace, it is because an important step has been overlooked.  

Our chaotic lives can often leave us feeling out of control and fearful. No matter how turbulent our day may be going, remember the voice of our Savior on the stormy sea as He spoke the simple words, “Peace, be still.”  This is the same Savior we have in our lives.  If we think He is sleeping and not providing for us, it is simply because we have not taken the time to communicate with Him.

When you lose something and search for it, immediately upon finding it, you realize it was there all along.  The same is true with the Peace that God offers us.  It is always there, even when it is missing from our lives.  We may be searching for peace in many other places, but we will only find it in Him.  When we finally look in the right place, we realize it was there all along!
Roberta Pledge