I am always amazed when I face a seemingly huge problem, searching hard for the solution, and then the answer suddenly just occurs to me and, almost like magic, problem solved! Such was the case with the “mystery of the flooding bathroom,” which plagued my home for several months.
Unexplainably, the bathtub started leaking every time someone took a shower, and not just a little, A LOT! The liner was in the correct place, and everything else seemed in order, but suddenly the water jetted in such a way that it leaked around the shower curtain and flooded the tile floor. After wringing my hands and many water-filled towels, and almost calling in a professional for advice, it FINALLY occurred to me that a can of shaving gel now occupied the shower caddy just below the showerhead. Removing the can and everything else that the water might reflect off immediately solved the problem…definitely one of those “duh” moments!
The same is often true in life. We sometimes have a huge problem that we repeatedly struggle with and the immediate way out lies right in front of us. Sometimes we wrestle with procrastination, with the simple solution being JUST DO IT! Alternatively, there are times we search endlessly in our minds for the correct answer in a dilemma, when talking it over and giving it to God would quickly give us the most beneficial results.
This life holds enough truly difficult circumstances, so try simplifying and looking right under your nose or straight up to God for the answers. Take the solution staring you in the face before you replace the whole tub!
Roberta Pledge
October 31, 2012
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