Three Year Old Bible class is well into the second quarter and my ½ dozen princes continue to bring my co-teachers and me great joy…and much laughter! There are Sunday mornings when I think we should just stop class and laugh the rest of our time together! I think God loves the fact that these boys have so much fun learning about Him and His Word.
Creation is our theme for this quarter. We spend two weeks on each day of Creation and our only goal is to learn about what God made that day. I usually begin our study by showing them true darkness so that they can appreciate “Let there be light,” and all of the beauty that is in their world because He gave us this gift. My brave “super hero” boys have not been quite sure about that one! They simply do not like the dark…at all!
So adjusting my lesson a little, I’ve started class saying, “Okay, close your eyes REALLLLLY tight!” While some don’t really even like that, most will do it… “what color is my shirt?” “I don’t know, I can’t see,” they usually respond. Occasionally one will say “Pink,” to which he is overwhelmingly, quickly told, “You don’t have your eyes closed!” by all the others! And so we learn the true gift of God’s physical light in that it not only lets us see to move around in His World, but it also allows us to enjoy the beautiful colors of His Creation. At this point we are up to Day 4…”sun, moon, and stars galore,” and with each day we add, with each page of our Creation book, they continue to get excited about God’s glorious Creation Gifts!
We are also working hard on learning the books of the Old Testament. We do this in song form and they are already over half way through learning them all. It is fun to see how hard they all work at pronouncing those extremely difficult words! They already know the secret about what will happen when they learn them all and they love to hear about it as I whisper to them, “when we can say them all Ms. Christy will jump up and down clapping her hands!” Of course, me saying it and Ms. Christy doing it are two very different things, but she will usually come around, especially under the pressure of those precious eyes looking to her for encouragement!
We also have a new addition to our group…yes, you may have guessed it from the title…we now have our very own class Princess. Laney has been coming the past few weeks and she is a true Princess, with long blond hair and a beautiful smile. Her first week she arrived crying, with her passy, and having to be held for the entire class period. She quickly adapted and now bounces in each week, puts her Bible at her chosen chair (the one right in front of me) and goes over to play before class time. She also is in the process of accomplishing something I have not been able to…because she always has her's, she has the boys thinking about getting their Bible’s to class with them. Riley and Logan are already making a big point of it, and I am sure the others will also follow her lead. She, having two older brothers, does not seem at all bothered, having the kitchen and doll house all to herself at playtime, at the fact that she is outnumbered 6 to 1!
In thinking about teaching the true meaning darkness, I was touched the other day in Target as I saw a young visually impaired girl making her way through the clothing area with an older lady. The older lady would pick up an article of clothing and attempt to describe it to her younger friend. It occurred to me while observing this, “How would you describe a color to someone who had not ever seen color?”
I think I am very safe in saying that no one would ever make a choice to be blind. We all want to see our world with our eyes wide opened, enjoying all it has to offer. While no one would choose physical blindness, I am amazed at the number of people who choose to live in a Spiritually “dark” world. They do not open their eyes to the rich gifts of God, to reading His Word, or to being watchful of the path leading to Eternal Life. They willingly choose darkness over Light. My earnest prayer is that these lessons of beginnings we are teaching will help my ½ dozen princes and 1 princess seek a lifetime of having their eyes wide open to God…they are well on their way!
Roberta Pledge
October 25, 2011